For more information, see World Hunger.
Our Mission
The problem of world hunger is a huge one, especially since it is so hard to get out of. The only way to solve this is if we, ourselves, help out those who are hungry.
The goal of Zero Hungry is to make sure that people who are hungry get their needed food, as well as helping people at home to participate in making that happen. We will make sure any donation from you will go directly towards any hungry person in need.
Hungry people often work years to get out of their poverty, especially if they have a family to support. However, we can shorten this time with external help from us. With this help, they can rise out of poverty and get to a state where they will not need support.
This is the mission of Zero Hungry, to make sure donations from you go a long way to help people out of poverty, and help them rise to a better life.